Makeup remover

Why Use a Makeup Remover?

The skin on your eyelids is extremely thin and fragile. Moreover, it is in direct contact with your very sensitive eyes.

It turns out that makeup contains pigments that can be harmful to the skin if they remain in contact for too long. For your information, the darker your makeup, the more pigments it contains, making it crucial to remove it properly.

Keep in mind that makeup is designed to stay on your skin for 12 hours. After this period, the pigments gradually mix with the hydrolipidic film, creating toxins on your skin.

The accumulation of foreign substances around the eyelid and eye can lead to allergies or irritation, which can develop into an infection.

Additionally, repeatedly not removing mascara can cause your eyelashes to fall out.

Finally, more generally, not removing your eye makeup will make the already sensitive eye area even more fragile. As a consequence, your eyelids will age poorly and wrinkle more quickly.

A good makeup removal should be effective while also being gentle.